Monday, February 16, 2009


I can't seem to get over how stupid people are when it comes to pregnancies. Teenagers, adults, it doesn't matter they come in all ages. It's like HELLOOOO!?!?! Really? Were you not paying attention in sex ed? Seriously? I don't remember how many times I've heard that condoms, birth control, whatever are NEVER 100% and the ONLY way you will not get pregnant is to NOT HAVE SEX. Yet so many are still so shocked that it happened to them. I mean come on. Are you supposed to be immune to it or something? Wishfull thinking? What is it to make you think it won't happen to you? And yes, having sex once is no different. If you're shocked to find out you're pregnant or that you're going to be a father, then YOU'RE AN IDIOT. If you don't want a baby either stop having sex or get your tubes tied for the girls and snip snip for the guys!


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